Clomid (Clomiphene)

Clomiphene, the active ingredient in Clomid, stimulates ovulation, the release of an egg. Clomid generally works in women who produce eggs, but aren't producing sufficient amounts of hormones needed for egg maturation. They aren't able to ovulate because the eggs don't mature enough to be released. Clomid is dispensed in 50mg tablets only, that is the lowest dose. It is taken for 5 days and is started at the beginning of a cycle, usually around day 2 or 3. Ovulation is likely to occur about 5-10 days after the last dose is taken, if this does happen then the Clomid was successful. If you do not get pregnant afterwards, but you did in fact ovulate then the Clomid worked and the dosage was correct, it's job is to stimulate ovulation. If ovulation did not occur, your doctor may prescribe a higher dosage of the Clomid, it is not recommended to try clomid anymore after 3 cycles if ovulation doesn't occur.

As with almost all medications there maybe side effects when taking Clomid, medical attention should be immediately sought for any severe and ongoing reactions. I've only ever experienced hot flashes, although they were annoying in the middle of the summer, they went away quickly. Clomid does dehydrate you, so drinking loads of water is key, I've been drinking about 20oz every 2 hours, and spend a lot of my work day in the bathroom. After a successful round of Clomid, comes ovulation and with ovulation comes PK and IUI. Posts coming on those topics

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