... instead I just kept going. There comes a point in life when sometimes it all seems like too much, and its at that point where the will to succeed takes over or the fear of defeat kicks in. It's then when the choice must be made, will you succeed at all costs or fail simply for a lack of trying. I found myself faced with this very decision, and while the easier choice of course would have been to give up, I made the choice that was best for me. I will keep pushing!! It's so amazing how on point Allah ta'ala is, in the moment when He knew I needed encouragement, I received a message of support from my husband, and then a phone call from my big sister which gave me much motivation. Later kind words, encouragement and duas from my sisters in Islam, who don't even know me personally. Some days things are so easy and some days not so much, but one thing I have to remind myself of is that they could be much worse. Besides, who do I think I am that i can't be afflicted with trials? I am no better than the next person, I am not a quitter, I am confident in who I am. I am Zay.

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