While I'm sure most people have had chicken pox as children, I haven't. AND, my blood work shows that I am highly susceptible to the disease, and show little to no trace of the vaccine I received as a child in my system. Chicken pox is more severe in adults who contract the disease, they tend to have longer fevers and can contract varicella pneumonia, while death isn't as common its certainly a possibility as well. Women who are pregnant and contract chicken pox, risk miscarrying and possible birth defects. During the vaccination process, I can not try for conception for 2 months, and vice versa while trying for conception I can not be vaccinated at this present moment. SO, I will be keeping my distance from school children, their parents, and shielding my face as much as possible do i don't breathe in the highly contagious varicella zoster, known to you as Chicken pox
5/29/2013 03:05:07 am

Well chickenpox aren't as common as they were years ago so that cuts down the chances of getting them being as though so many people are being vaccinated!


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