PK-Post Coital Exam

  • post- coming after
  • coitus- Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina.
  • Cervical mucus- is 90% water. Depending on the water content which varies during the menstrual cycle the mucus functions as a barrier or a transport medium to spermatozoa

A post coital exam is done 2-10 hours after intercourse or coitus, hence the name. During this procedure a sample of the cervical mucus is taken to see the effects that it has on the sperm. During the days around ovulation, the mucus contains more water which allows sperm to travel easily to uterus. If the mucus is drier than usually, several factors could be to blame, the use of clomid being one of them. I know it's ironic that a medicine used to help ovulation is also responsible for preventing sperm from reaching the egg. If the mucus is in fact too dry and the sperm isn't motile, your doctor may recommend an IUI.

IUI Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine insemination, is a procedure in which specially washed sperm is placed, with a catheter, directly into the uterus, therefore by passing the cervical mucus. While a post coital exam is just about tied with a papsmear in regards to the comfort level, an IUI is much more discomforting but if conception achieved then I guess it's well worth the discomfort.

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