The most irritating question in the world, is when someone asks am I pregnant. Pregnancy is not the answer to everything, I can gain weight, have stomach pains, and eat a lot for a trillion other reasons. So many take pregnancy and child birth for granted because for them it may be, however, for many others its not easy at all. When you actually consider what it takes for a child to be created, how everything must be in perfect harmony at the perfect time, it's literally nothing short of a miracle. A miracle that many pray hard for. Trying to conceive has to be one of the emotionally draining experiences of my life, it takes a lot to process all the different things going on in my body, to remain positive and as stress free as possible and to always keep my faith. Many days I wanna break down and cry, and in the weakest moments where I begin to feel pity and ask "why me?", I ask the more important question, " why not me?" Who am I that I'm too good for trials? I am no better than the next, and more will not be put on me than I can bare, so I must be built for this. It was reported by Sahih Al Bukhari (vol.7, Hadith #5645) The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts them with trials", this is what I hold on to, this is my trial, good must come of it!

6/12/2013 01:07:59 am

This is so true but your time will come

6/12/2013 01:47:20 am

Mashaa'Allah sweet, uhkti. from what you have written, seems to be you're handling it well, alhumdullilah. i know it cant be easy, though. May Allah give you what's best and give you the strength and wisdom to accept His decree, aameen. Love the last line of your post, too! Mashaa'Allah

6/12/2013 02:48:32 am

Shukran, Masha'allah tabarakallah, Ameen. Thank you for reading and commenting!

6/12/2013 02:49:05 am

Thanks bestie!!


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